J.A.M. Class (Just add meat)
Thursday, October 11, 2007
I had a wonderful time with some friends this past week as I hosted my first J.A.M. class (Just add meat).
We were all moms feeling a little overwhelmed with the prospect of feeding the kids a healthy, well planned meal on a daily basis (what mom doesn't?)
Solution? Have fun doing it together, and leave my house with meals to fill the freezer.
I gave them a variety of recipes to pick from. I provided the Homemade Gourmet pantry staples, and any additions - can of soup, black beans, whatever the recipe called for, while they provided their choice of meat (beef, chicken or pork). I had stations set up with instructions, and we had a great time laughing, fellowshipping and brainstorming some additional meal ideas. They left with 4-10 meals in ziplock bags ready to cook or stick in the freezer for a busy day.
It was a huge success and my family has been eating the rewards all week. I will be doing many more of these. How much more fun to climb mealtime mountain with a group of girlfriends.
Have any interest in finding out how to organize this for your friends and family? Let me know, I would love to help.
From my kitchen to your on this beautiful fall, NC day,